+92 341 4446500



M.Sc. (Hons) Agric. Extension & Education; B.Sc. (Hons) Agric; C.A.E.S (Reading) U.K, Consultant to the World Bank (2015-16), Consultant to the Georgetown University, Washington 20057, USA (2019 – 20), Consultant to the federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture & Livestock Government of Pakistan, Islamabad (2007-08). He is registered Agriculture Consultant of the Asian Development Bank.  He is Team Lead of the Agriculture Management Consultants (AMC) an emerging agriculture consultancy institution of the South Asia. During the past 40 years, Mr. Hazoor Ahmad Hazoor worked in the public and private sectors on senior positions.  During that period he mastered a variety of expertise including but not limited to Agriculture,  Agriculture Extension & Transfer of Technology, Agriculture Economics & Marketing, Marketing of Pesticides & Fertilizers, Manufacturing of Bio-fertilizers, Research, Surveys, & Report Writing, Technical Writing, Academic Writing and Creative Writing, Training & Capacity Building, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Business Management, Advanced Commercial Agriculture, Outsourcing Skills through online workplaces, Implementation of Projects, Sustainable Livelihood, On Farm Water Management. He was Managing Director of Chapter Agrochemicals (PVT) Limited (1997-98) and proved to be a top seller of farm inputs.  He is consultant to many organizations in the corporate  and farming sectors of Pakistan and abroad. He is creator of a new discipline in agriculture “Advanced Commercial Agriculture (ACA)”. He is President of Rural Social Welfare Council. He is also member of the Amnesty International.